The Suggestions tool displays a list of commands from the command history database which match the characters entered at the current shell prompt. The recording of command history and the detection of the current shell prompt both require shell integration to be installed. Commands suggested by the tool can be copied to the clipboard or written to the shell prompt using the context menu or by calling certain actions listed below. The Suggestions tool is capable of matching commands:
- By substring, either at the beginning of the command or anywhere within it.
- By acronym, using the first alphanumeric character of each word in the command.
For example, the command "echo Hello, World!
" will match against echo H
(a prefix), World
(a substring), or eHW
(an acronym).
The Suggestions tool is not searchable
but it is navigable, having a current selection that can be moved and acted upon using generic or tool-specific actions. Via global settings, certain actions can be configured to run on a double-click, Control-click, Shift-click, or middle-click of a suggestion. Further global settings for the tool are located under the Suggestions Tool category.
The Suggestions tool can be configured
to autoraise itself when suggested commands are available. A small number of characters need to be typed at the shell prompt before the Suggestions tool will display any suggestions. Additionally, a configurable brief idle period
must pass before the Suggestions tool will autoraise, unless there is a unique suggestion for the characters that have been typed. This prevents the tool from popping up and flickering rapidly while a command is still being typed out.
Some commonly used actions with bindings in qtermy's compiled-in default keymap (your keymap may differ) are:
(Shift+Tab, referred to as "Backtab" by Qt)SuggestPrevious
(Shift+Return): Writes the selected suggestion to the terminal, or the first suggestion if no suggestion is selectedWriteSuggestion|0
(Ctrl+1): Writes the first suggestion to the terminalWriteSuggestion|1
(Ctrl+2): Writes the second suggestion to the terminalWriteSuggestion|2
(Ctrl+3): Writes the third suggestion to the terminalWriteSuggestion|3
(Ctrl+4): Writes the fourth suggestion to the terminalToolAction|0
(Ctrl+Return): Same as double-click; runsWriteSuggestion
by default. YourTasksAction0
global setting may differ.ToolAction|1
(Alt+Return): Same as Control-click; runsRemoveSuggestion
by default, which removes the selected suggestion from the command history database. YourTasksAction1
global setting may differ.
The nearby figure shows the Suggestions tool in a typical situation. The characters git s
have been typed at the terminal's command prompt. Many suggested commands are displayed; the fifth suggestion has been selected using SuggestNext
and is ready to write to the terminal using WriteSuggestion
![Picture of Suggestions tool with a selected suggestion.](../_images/suggestions-tool.png)
Example of a typical Suggestions tool with a selected suggestion.
Commands are ordered using a frecency score that ranks each command based on how many times it has been run and how recently it was last run. However, there is an exception: if the characters typed at the prompt were previously autocompleted to a given command using WriteSuggestion
, those characters are considered an alias for the command and it will be ordered first in the suggestions list regardless of frecency score and and marked with an asterisk (*).
Commands are not stored in the database until an exit status is reported by shell integration. A command still in the running state won't be shown in the Suggestions tool unless it was previously stored in the database.
The database of commands used by the Suggestions tool is stored in $HOME/.cache/qtermy/history.sqlite3
. This is a SQLite database file that can be opened using any SQLite database editor such as DB4S or programmatically using SQLite itself. In brief, the tables stored in the database are:
- command
- The main history table. Stores commands, command acronyms (used for first-letter-of-word matching rather than prefix matching), frecency score, and metadata.
- alias
- The aliases table. Stores the prefixes and acronyms that have been autocompleted to commands.
- exclusions
- A list of ECMAScript regular expressions that specify commands to exclude from the database. If a command matches one of these regular expressions, it won't be saved in the database. This table is empty by default. Note that adding a new regular expression to the table won't remove commands already saved in the database.